Administration for Community Living Data Council

Council Materials

Council materials include the membership roster as well as Council meeting materials (i.e., agenda, presentation slides and summary). Meeting materials are listed by meeting and organized by date. Click on the triangle to the left of the meeting date to expand and collapse the content. Click on the document titles to open the materials.


Expanding Sections

Working Group Members

November 18, 2019: Council Orientation/Kick-Off

April 27, 2020: Quarterly Council Meeting

August 6, 2020: Quarterly Council Meeting

Year 1 Annual Report and Year in Review

October 29, 2020: Council Year Two Kick-Off

June 4, 2021: Quarterly Council Meeting

September 20, 2021: Final Annual Council Meeting

Year 2 Annual Report and Year in Review

December 6, 2021: Quarterly Council Meeting

May 12, 2022: Quarterly Council Meeting

July 18, 2022: Quarterly Council Meeting