New Editions provided technical and logistical support to a national expert panel; a panel formed to assist the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) Rehabilitation Medicine Department develop a holistic definition of adults with chronic health care needs that can be used in national surveys and clinical settings. New Editions assisted the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Section of the NIH Rehabilitation Medicine Department in an important initiative to provide the field with a new focal point for measurement, surveillance and service: A non-categorical, holistic definition of adults who require ongoing medical, functional or mental health services or supports in order to maximize their well-being and participation.
The expert panel helped develop a formal, population-level definition of adults with chronic health care needs; defined key subgroups; and developed screening questions to include in national surveys and clinical settings. New Editions enlisted the expert panel of scientists; identified and managed relevant research articles; designed and maintained an interactive website for the panel members; convened regularly scheduled teleconferences; and managed one in-person meeting per year.