New Editions Wins Five New Projects and All Recompetes in 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
New Editions is pleased to report that 2017 has been a good year. We won five new contracts. These include:
- A three-year contract with Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) to provide technical assistance focused on State plans and activities to comply with the Home and Community-Based Settings rule to the Division of Long Term Services and Supports (DLTSS) within the Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group.
- A five-year contract with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide helpdesk services for IT and Section 508 support.
- A five-year contract with the Department of Educations’ Office of State Services (OSS) to provide logistical and administrative support to help OSS provide direct assistance to States and monitoring compliance with Federal laws as States implement Enhanced Assessment Grants, Title I, Title II, Title III, and Equity programs under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
- An 18-month contract with the Administration for Community Living to develop a plan for merging several disparate data sets hosted on their AGID website. The end goal is to facilitate cross data set analysis and make the data more user-friendly. Impaq International is our subcontractor and partner on this contract.
- A five-year contact with the Administration for Community Living to provide substantive analytic, evaluation, and technical assistance on multiple disability, aging, and LTSS policy and operational issues. Lewin is our subcontractor and partner on this effort.
We also won all our recompetes, starting with the Department of Transportation contract in March of this year. We won the Department of Homeland Security Section 508 contract, the Interagency Committee on Disability Research five-year contract, the five-year Office of Special Education Programs Report to Congress, the CMS Home and Community Based Services contract (three years) and the Transportation Security Administration’s 508 Support contract as a subcontractor to IBM.