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Technical Assistance & Training

New Editions Consulting provides targeted technical support to build the capacity of an agency or project to create change. Our technical assistance (TA) framework builds on the strengths of an organization. We provide one-on-one consultation, coaching, small group facilitation, training, webinars, learning collaboratives, best practices, resources and tools. We also develop web-based clearinghouses for Federal agencies and their grantees, states and others working in partnership with our Federal clients.
We begin with a comprehensive needs assessment to determine strengths and challenges and to identify the intended impact. Then we explore the capacity of the organization and its staff to implement change and work to develop a common vision of what that change needs to be. We use best practices in virtual and in-person TA to support interactive learning. We regularly collect data and solicit feedback from TA recipients through surveys and check-in calls. We analyze the information from the surveys and calls carefully and act upon it.
We determine whether the TA achieved the intended impact to inform continuous quality improvement. We actively seek new and better approaches to delivering TA, building on our own experience and the feedback we receive from clients. Whether to improve outcomes or build capacity, our TA interventions make a difference.
Expertise in this Area
Needs Assessment
Through surveys and polling, we identify the needs of our target audience and develop individualized as well as general TA plans to meet those needs. Our tracking system ensures that we close all TA needs in a timely and responsive manner, and it also retains a history for trend analysis and reporting.
Training & Curricula Development
Our professional curricula for training, educational events and workshops use adult learning methodologies. We use multiple media for training, including in-person, web-based, learning collaboratives, webinars, podcasts and video casts and one-on-one consultations.
Coaching & Facilitating
Our subject matter experts work one-on-one and in teams to facilitate discussions and coach grantees, states and others receiving TA to tailor approaches for optimal outcomes and success.
Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices
We identify and customize evidenced-based practices for smooth and effective implementation in a variety of settings and organizations.
Development of Documents, Checklists, Models & Other Tools
In addition to our consultative services, we capture tools, resources and effective strategies and methodologies in toolkits, concept papers, checklists and other documents to serve as readily available TA references.