Analytic Support for the Administration for Community Living

New Editions provided the Office of Performance and Evaluation (OPE) within the Administration for Community Living (ACL) with analysis and technical assistance support. ACL strives to ensure that all people, regardless of age and disability, live with dignity, make their own choices and participate fully in society. OPE coordinates data collection and analysis activities, such as developing an integrated data collection strategy (e.g., overseeing the Older Americans Act (OAA) performance data systems); informing programmatic decisions about performance data (e.g., collecting data, ensuring data quality, recommending analyses and defining data standards); managing and disseminating existing ACL data; meeting legislative needs of the agency; and developing a comprehensive performance management plan. The analytic and technical assistance provided through this contract will vary in scope and duration.

The types of support provided included:

  • Developing training and technical assistance materials related to performance measurement, management and evaluation;
  • Drafting and testing special survey modules;
  • Literature reviews and environmental scans;
  • Drafting issue briefs and info-graphics;
  • User testing for OPE products;
  • Conducting data analyses;
  • Providing advice regarding the selection of software and approaches for data analysis and presentation; and
  • Designing and conducting evaluations and special research studies.