Community Living

The purpose of this Toolkit is to provide individuals transitioning under the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program with examples and tools that can help them sustain housing and succeed as a tenant.

This reference guide outlines various options and resources available to help customers pay for assistive technology (AT) products.

This reference guide outlines several different ways customers can try assistive technology (AT) products before making a purchase.

This reference guide was developed to help customers find and choose better assistive technology (AT) products for themselves.

A guide to help readers learn how assistive technology (AT) products can help them perform recreational activities - both indoors and outside.

The vast majority of the approximately 10,000 individuals returning to the community from prison each week lack the education and skills required for even entry-level employment. Research from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) indicates a link between academic failure and delinquency, violence and crime. Those reentering the community after incarceration face a system of silos between corrections, education and the workforce system. This contract sought to support reentry education models based on the best available evidence and theory and build on Department work in this area.

New Editions provided logistics and management support to assist the Office on Disability (OD) in implementing the Call to Action Strategic Plan. We planned and conducted important events, including a conference with major healthcare provider organizations to identify best practices in disability awareness training for physicians and nurses, as well as a forum with employers to identify best practices in providing access to healthcare services for employees with disabilities.

Through coordination across multiple projects, New Editions worked collaboratively to provide expert technical assistance and guidance to the Administration for Community Living (ACL), their grantees and partners, and other Aging Services Network organizations at the state, sub-state and community levels. Under a subcontract with The Lewin Group, New Editions coordinated relevant ACL activities with the initiatives of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Money Follows the Person (MFP) Technical Assistance Center.

Under a subcontract with Inverness Technologies, New Editions provided research support to assess the value of remote counseling services for veterans with service-connected disabilities to help them obtain, maintain, or retain employment, or live independently. New Editions reviewed the existing body of literature on the types of remote counseling techniques currently used in the private and public sectors, and completed a cost-benefit analysis of remote counseling in rural areas.

The purpose of the Sports to Work Research and Development Study was to conduct a thorough analysis of the role sports activities can play in vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs. New Editions, through a subcontract with Inverness Technologies, reviewed the existing body of literature as well as current state-of-the-art sports and recreational programs.