
Kathryn Becker
Creative Director/Senior Developer

Ms. Becker provides New Editions Consulting, Inc. with a technical and design background that includes work in both traditional and new media, such as creating marketing collaterals and designing web pages and mid-level scripting. Her degree is in Communications/Public Relations with minors in Marketing and Design. She began her career as a traditional designer, creating logos, marketing materials, large-format displays and multi-media presentations. She has been designing, coding and maintaining web sites since 1996 and continues to mentor our team of talented designers.

She has worked to ensure that her sites are functional, attractive, useable and still fully accessible by following 508 rules, W3C WAI and Usability standards for almost two decades. Since 2009 she has acted as a full stack developer for several Drupal, WordPress and Moodle PHP/MySQL based open-source sites.