Rural Housing Toolkit - Money Follows the Person (MFP)

Product Type
Guides, Guidelines, and Toolkits

Money Follows the Person (MFP) Demonstration projects across the country say that the biggest obstacle to successful transition is the lack of affordable, accessible housing. When someone chooses to use self-determination to return home to a tiny community out in the middle of nowhere, the problem can seem exponentially more difficult. Coupled with lack of housing, there is typically a lack of formal services and limited (if any) public transportation. This toolkit provides concrete resources that can help MFP providers, directors, outreach workers and transition and housing coordinators identify and access the resources they need to help people leave institutional care and return to their rural communities. 

If this sounds too good to be true, it isn’t. Rural MFP practitioners all over the country are helping people move home to rural and frontier communities every day. They manage this by overcoming one obstacle at a time, transition by transition, community by community. The strategies in this toolkit will become increasingly important as the MFP Demonstration project grows. 80 percent of America is still rural, a huge area that about one in five Americans call home.  This toolkit was written for the MFP programs that are increasingly being called to help people return home to their rural homes. Each chapter of this toolkit provides strategies, tips, tools, resources and examples of exactly how you can make these transitions happen.

Focus or Topic
Community Living
Service Area(s)
Technical Assistance & Training