
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) Technical Assistance (TA) Tracker allows MFP-related professionals to track TA requests and outcomes. It allows users to track assigned requests, reassign requests to other users, add comments to requests and more.

The National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials (NCRTM) website offers vocational rehabilitation and education communities an opportunity to contribute new knowledge to their specific fields and gain visibility for their work.

The Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) website is designed to assist the ICDR in its goal to promote coordination and cooperation among federal departments and agencies conducting disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research programs. The site contains ICDR activities, disability research news, ICDR reports and general federal disability research resources.

The Money Follows the Person (MFP) Technical Assistance (TA) website promotes promising practices, and provides guidance on program improvement strategies in the areas of system performance and individual consumer outcomes for the MFP Rebalancing Demonstration.

In support of the 2010 National Disability Summit on Disability Policy, New Editions’ team of researchers prepared ten working papers on disability policy issues. This landmark event marked the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and attracted over 400 stakeholders from across the country. The working papers addressed policy accomplishments and future challenges in areas such as civil rights, housing, health, employment, education and technology.

Money Follows the Person (MFP) Demonstration projects across the country say that the biggest obstacle to successful transition is the lack of affordable, accessible housing. When someone chooses to use self-determination to return home to a tiny community out in the middle of nowhere, the problem can seem exponentially more difficult. Coupled with lack of housing, there is typically a lack of formal services and limited (if any) public transportation.

The Accessibility Compliance Management System (ACMS) is a fully accessible, web-based software application designed to track Section 508 Program Office activities and compliance for all Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Components. The system was custom-built for the DHS Office of Accessible Systems & Technology (OAST), which provides governance and oversight for DHS accessibility programs.

The online Orientation Training Module was developed by New Editions for the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research’s (NIDILRR’s) peer reviewers. The module was created to help peer reviewers better understand their responsibility and role in reviewing materials submitted by NIDILRR grantees for various grants.

Co-authored by Dr. Christine Domzal of New Editions, this article reviews the literature from 2001-2010 on participation in postsecondary education by students with intellectual disabilities. The review addresses program design and implementation, and describes services across state, regional and national levels. Little research on participant outcomes was identified, but recommendations for next steps are provided.