Completed Projects

New Editions supported the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS’s) New Freedom Initiative (NFI) Working Group, which was led by the HHS Office on Disability (OD). The Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) worked through the NFI Working Group on a project to analyze and promote the Medical Home Model for children with special health care needs and all individuals with disabilities.

New Editions assisted by providing conference management, note-taking skills and administrative support for the Working Group. We also completed an analysis of over 45 HHS programs and activities related to children with special health care needs in the context of Medical Home Model of service delivery. The purpose of this analysis was to identify existing programs in the service, policy and research arenas; gaps; potential collaborations; and action steps for change.

New Editions provided the Office of Performance and Evaluation (OPE) within the Administration for Community Living (ACL) with analysis and technical assistance support. ACL strives to ensure that all people, regardless of age and disability, live with dignity, make their own choices and participate fully in society. OPE coordinates data collection and analysis activities, such as developing an integrated data collection strategy (e.g., overseeing the Older Americans Act (OAA) performance data systems); informing programmatic decisions about performance data (e.g., collecting data, ensuring data quality, recommending analyses and defining data standards); managing and disseminating existing ACL data; meeting legislative needs of the agency; and developing a comprehensive performance management plan. The analytic and technical assistance provided through this contract will vary in scope and duration.

The types of support provided included:

  • Developing training and technical assistance materials related to performance measurement, management and evaluation;
  • Drafting and testing special survey modules;
  • Literature reviews and environmental scans;
  • Drafting issue briefs and info-graphics;
  • User testing for OPE products;
  • Conducting data analyses;
  • Providing advice regarding the selection of software and approaches for data analysis and presentation; and
  • Designing and conducting evaluations and special research studies.

Under a subcontract with Insignia Federal Group, New Editions supported the Technology & Accessible Resources Give Employment Today (TARGET) Center, which assists the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in addressing a wide spectrum of accessibility and accommodation interests for agencies and employees. Solutions provided included individual technology accommodations, ergonomic design and injury prevention, emergency preparedness, training and education, and the expansion of innovative practices to enhance the USDA employer of choice capability.

Under this contract, New Editions had the primary responsibility of providing assistive technology (AT) and ergonomic needs assessments. The goal of the TARGET Center’s Ergonomics Program is to support all USDA employees in their efforts to remain safe and comfortable at their workstations. Through consultations, education and product-related services, we helped protect our customers in the workplace. The USDA Ergonomics Program is unique in providing an overall preventive measurement by allowing employees the opportunity to have an ergonomic assessment, followed by the chance to sample various ergonomic equipment. This approach has provided immediate comfort for employees with obtaining chair fittings and sampling mice, keyboards and other ergonomic accessories.

New Editions provided technical and logistical services to support Social Security’s Ticket Program Beneficiary Access and Support Services Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) webinars via a subcontract to Booz Allen Hamilton. WISE webinars are online events held for beneficiaries to learn about the Ticket to Work Program and available Work Incentives through accessible learning opportunities. In addition to logistical services to support the webinars, including researching presenters and topics, New Editions also played a role in content development and promotion.

New Editions utilizes our communication, dissemination, and outreach expertise, coupled with our understanding of evaluation concepts, to support CEO in putting evidence into the hands of their stakeholders with products that encourage research uptake in decision making. The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) supports the Department of Labor’s research, evaluation, and analysis activities. New Editions’ work will increase internal and external stakeholder awareness of DOL’s research and evaluation efforts. The CEO conducts or sponsors research and evaluations to advance understanding and to disseminate knowledge on topics to inform program and policy decisions. The CEO also contributes to a robust evidence culture in DOL. Through its efforts, it ensures that the Department of Labor’s grant and contract funded activities adhere to legislative mandates related to evidence and align the Department’s evaluation quality principles of rigor, relevance, transparency, independence, and ethics. This project aims to leverage CEO evidence products and other capacity-building activities and generate new tools and structures to build a diverse stakeholder engagement portfolio. Under this contract, New Editions, and our subcontractor, Fors Marsh Group, is:

  • Conducting a gap analysis of CEO communication strategies;
  • Developing and piloting innovative communication approaches informed by user experience research and testing;
  • Maintaining, in collaboration with DOL, a robust, high-quality website;
  • Measuring and refining the effectiveness of CEO outreach strategies;
  • Identifying internal and external stakeholders for CEO communication products;
  • Maintaining a network of subject matter experts;
  • Producing evidence translation summaries and web and distribution list content based on CEO sponsored research and evaluation products; and
  • Developing an internal project tracking database to aid in CEO knowledge management and activity scheduling.

New Editions provided data design and governance, program evaluation, and analytical support to the Office of Performance and Evaluation (OPE) in the Administration for Community Living (ACL). ACL's mission is to maximize the independence, well-being and health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan and their families and caregivers. OPE coordinates a range of data collection and analysis activities and disseminates data through a variety of modalities, including the AGing, Independence, and Disability (AGID) Program Data Portal.

Under the ACL Data Restructuring I (2018-2019) and ACL Data Restructuring II (2019-2021) projects, New Editions partnered with ACL to: 

  • Assess the ACL and Census datasets hosted on the AGID Program Data Portal;
  • Engage stakeholders inside and outside of ACL to compile information about AGID user needs;
  • Identify practical, efficient, and statistically sound approaches for linking those datasets, to permit analysis of ACL data across years, and across datasets/programs;
  • Develop and test a restructured relational database linking those datasets;
  • Create an operational approach that will allow for linking additional datasets in the future;
  • Develop the foundational requirements for the next iteration of the AGID system (AGID 2.0).

New Editions’ team of data analysts, system designers, and data scientists produced deliverables to inform and facilitate development of a revised data portal for ACL, including:

  • Dataset-level and variable-level documentation;
  • SQL Server database for testing and demonstrating data linkages;
  • Aligning measures document defining valid linkages between datasets and offering recommendations for improving linkages;
  • Foundational requirements for AGID 2.0, including business requirements, user stories, process flows, and proofs of concepts for the new system.

New Editions operated the National Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center (NTAC), which serves to coordinate activities and communications among the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s (RSA’s) Technical Assistance Network members, promote collaborative activities, identify experts and resources, and provide analysis and evaluation of program data. RSA’s Technical Assistance Network provides training, technical assistance and continuing education to improve the performance of State Vocational Rehabilitation programs. The TA Network includes ten regional Technical Assistance and Continuing Education Centers, other technical assistance grantees, and National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) grantees.

The Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN) is a nationwide program designed to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Through technical assistance and recruiting services, EARN helps employers find qualified job candidates with disabilities. Under a subcontract with CESSI, New Editions staff members assisted CESSI with recruitment, research and analyses. Our tasks included:

  • Designing and maintaining the EARN website and informational materials;
  • Preparing literature reviews;
  • Designing and conducting employer surveys and focus groups;
  • Mining program data; and
  • Staffing the call center.

New Editions provided logistics and management support to assist the Office on Disability (OD) in implementing the Call to Action Strategic Plan. We planned and conducted important events, including a conference with major healthcare provider organizations to identify best practices in disability awareness training for physicians and nurses, as well as a forum with employers to identify best practices in providing access to healthcare services for employees with disabilities. New Editions also developed publications for employers and employees that support improved healthcare access in the workplace.

Through a subcontract with Inverness Technologies, New Editions conducted a study of the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Independent Living Program. This program is designed to help eligible veterans live as independently as possible, participate in family and community life, and increase their potential to return to work. The purpose of this study was to collect valuable program information on outcomes to inform strategic planning, as well as to identify resource allocation needs and additional training needs.

New Editions tasks included:

  • Designing the methodology;
  • Developing all forms and surveys for data collection;
  • Collecting and analyzing data; and
  • Preparing the final report with study results and recommendations.

New Editions operated AbleData, the premier resource for objective information on assistive technology (AT) products and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and international sources, for the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).

New Editions designed and maintained the AbleData website and its extensive content of products, solutions and resources that assist people in being more independent and productive. We were responsible for managing and producing detailed descriptions and specifications on thousands of AT products. We also kept a record of vendors and manufacturers, as well as a record of international, national, state and local resource listings to assist existing and prospective customers in discovering their options and making more informed choices.

New Editions was responsible for AbleData’s marketing and outreach efforts. We developed, executed and measured the results of the efforts which included traditional and online/social networking components. New Editions produced customized marketing and informational content and materials to initially engage users and keep them engaged. Informational materials included brochures, fact sheets, articles and other educational publications.

New Editions also managed the AbleData Call center, which was staffed with Information Specialists who assisted AT users, industry experts, companies, agencies and policy makers by providing them with quality AT information and making referrals to AT-related resources. Information Specialists were available via email, phone and TTY from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.

In an effort to improve employer collaborations with public vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies, New Editions conceived and implemented a new approach to employer outreach. This new approach involved designing updated educational materials for employers about recruiting, hiring, retaining and promoting individuals with disabilities. New Editions also convened forums for employers and VR counselors to provide them with first-hand information about employment needs in targeted high-growth industries, including banking/finance, service/hospitality, science/technology, and healthcare. Products included new promotional brochures, a revised employer guide, and a CD-ROM featuring highlights of the employer forums.

TARGET Centers provide assessments and demonstrations to ensure proper implementation of assistive technology (AT) and ergonomic solutions for the Department of Agriculture's (USDA’s) workforce. The Centers also assist in making information and microcomputer technology accessible to persons with sight, hearing, speech and dexterity impairments. Through a subcontract with CESSI, New Editions provided the following key services:

  • Performed work site analysis - identifies individual accessibility needs;
  • Provided product information for procurement;
  • Implemented effective accommodation strategies;
  • Developed systems to disseminate disability information to USDA employees; and
  • Coordinated a series of conferences, seminars and other awareness programs.

New Editions assisted in the development and operation of the Department of Transportation's (DOT's) Disability Resource Center (DRC). DRC ensures that DOT employees, regardless of location, can fully participate in all aspects of the Department’s work, programs and services. Our team, located on site at DOT, developed the systems and procedures for operation, establishing three workstations to demonstrate adaptive equipment. We also provided job needs assessments for accommodations and recommended technology acquisitions for employees.

The first staff member, a recent college graduate hired through the Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP), provided the administrative support for the program. In addition, a person with accommodations experience assisted by helping DRC meet their goals. Their responsibilities included:

  • Providing information and resources for obtaining workplace accommodations;
  • Advising the Department on maintaining, improving, or increasing facilities and program accessibility;
  • Promoting the disability perspective in departmental programs and initiatives; and
  • Increasing awareness of disability issues among all Department employees through education and training.

Our capabilities allowed DOT to meet the challenges of operating a new accommodations and disability services program.

New Editions provided operational and management support to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for their Vision Exemption Program (VEP) initiative. The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) provides the legislative umbrella for establishing and operating the VEP, which provides exemptions for interstate drivers meeting the programs’ guidelines. Through this program, drivers are offered the opportunity to fully participate in their careers.

Our team brought expertise to the processing of drivers’ vision exemption applications and renewals. This included responding to application requests and program inquiries; processing new and renewal applications; collecting and storing data; preparing and maintaining Federal Register and other publications; monitoring drivers with exemptions; and preparing standard operation manuals and program reports.

To support these tasks, we operated a robust call center, and developed and maintained a call center application and database. We also implemented a rigorous quality control plan and provided ongoing management oversight.

Together with our partners, New Editions provided material development and communications support to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). This included developing outreach and education materials (e.g., infographics and web-based content, exhibit support and template design) to improve the cohesiveness and effectiveness of stakeholder outreach activities.

Through a subcontract with Monster Government Solutions, New Editions provided program management to New Options New Mexico, a pilot program designed to increase the aptitudes, employability and employment rate of young people in New Mexico. Innovate+Educate received a multi-million dollar grant from the W.K Kellogg Foundation to unite local industry, nonprofits and community colleges together in a cyber-based pilot initiative to help young people in New Mexico find employment and advance their careers. To support this effort, Innovate+Educate contracted Monster Government Solutions to develop a Monster platform-based career and education site with a customized skills matching feature developed using ACT WorkKeys®, as well as a customized Short Message Service (SMS) feature that allows access to the site via cell phones.

New Editions provided logistical and administrative support to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of State Support (OSS) for the planning of state assessment peer reviews and conferences. We annually provided pre-meeting, onsite and post meeting support for two five-day assessment peer reviews; one two-day conference; and 12-25 assessment peer review webinars. Under this contract, New Editions’ support included selecting and securing the meeting venue; arranging travel and lodging; coordinating audiovisual equipment and meeting room setup requirements; preparing meeting materials and reports; providing the webinar platform; and reimbursing expenses.

With our subcontractor JBS International, New Editions conducted a formative qualitative study to ascertain how primary care clinicians and patients conceptualize and discuss preventive services. We used focus groups and simulated clinical scenarios to gain insight into the shared decision-making process. This knowledge will be used to guide the development and improvement of print and electronic tools that prompt joint decision-making by clinicians and patients regarding the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations. The ultimate value of this work is to improve the delivery of effective clinical preventive services.

Through a subcontract with Monster Government Solutions, New Editions provided program management for the development of eOhioMeansJobs (eOMJ), which is geared towards connecting employers and job candidates with one another, as well as with promoting Ohio’s One-Stop programs and supports to Ohio-based companies and citizens. In order to improve the employment rate among Ohioans, New Editions provided program management for the eOMJ Project by expanding the existing site platform and functionality to support more One-Stop services. The mission of the project was to improve the well-being of Ohio’s workforce and families by promoting economic self-sufficiency and ensuring the safety of Ohio’s most historically marginalized citizens.

eOMJ provides users with the ability to search not only for jobs, but also for education, training and new careers, while providing access to other key state and local resources pertaining to employment. By increasing the public’s access to critical career and training services-all while simultaneously creating efficiencies in the delivery of said services, Ohio has quickly become one of the nation’s leading workforce development providers. Through the launch of eOMJ, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) team will continue to bolster its long term support to residents and employers in the state of Ohio.

Through a subcontract with Monster Government Solutions, New Editions provided program management for the development of a career site and advertising campaign to attract and manage candidates applying for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) disaster reservist positions.

New Editions provided program management for the FEMA Disaster Reservist Recruitment Career Hub and Sourcing and Advertising Initiative to improve the percentage of qualified applicants to the FEMA Reservist program. The FEMA Reservist workforce is comprised of positions across 23 cadres and is located in ten areas throughout the nation. The project was comprised of a combination of advertising on Monster’s properties, access to its national resume database and a Monster-platform-based job hub. New Editions provided program management of all components of the project.

New Editions supported Medical Management (MM) initiatives, which were managed by the Population Health and Medical Management Division (PHMMD), Office of the Chief Medical Officer (OCMO), TRICARE Management Activity (TMA). The overall goal was to support the Military Health System (MHS) Strategic Plan by employing MM to improve healthcare efficiency and effectiveness.

New Editions assisted by coordinating and providing logistical support to the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) PHMMD team training for the MHS healthcare professionals. This four-day training consisted of didactic presentations to Military Treatment Facility (MTF) personnel. New Editions also developed a communications/marketing package for medical management; provided conference support; offered logistical support to the PHMMD website; and provided a variety of reports.

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) provides guidance and support to state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies that are charged with providing job training and placement, as well as on-the-job supports to aid individuals with disabilities find and retain employment. State VR agencies can be most successful when they understand labor force trends and can look ahead at the projected soft and hard skills employers need to train and prepare candidates for the jobs of the future. To help states in this area and to support the federal government’s Job-Driven Training Initiative, RSA contracted with New Editions to conduct four business roundtable discussions.

New Editions analyzed workforce data and projections to identify high-demand jobs within the fastest growing industries. These positions represent the best opportunities for success as employers seek new and expanded labor pools to fill their needs. In collaboration with RSA, New Editions set priorities for four roundtable discussions - one for each of the following industries: government contracting, healthcare, banking, and information technology.

New Editions identified and invited representatives from these industries to attend the discussion with RSA. We prepared briefing guides for RSA that included industry workforce statistics and background information for each participating business. We also prepared briefing guides for business participants, informing them of the services RSA offers.

New Editions developed a standard facilitator’s guide to ensure that each discussion covered the same information, inserting industry-specific questions as needed. Discussions were framed to result in detailed input with regard to the skills and abilities sought by business, the optimal way to approach business with regard to partnering with state VR agencies, and recommendations for RSA to consider to better prepare individuals with disabilities develop highly-sought after skills and find viable employment. We facilitated the discussions, took notes and prepared a report of findings and recommendations from each roundtable discussion. New Editions also prepared a final report, identifying overarching opportunities that spanned across the four industries and provided RSA with recommendations for developing strategies to leverage the information gained.

Under a subcontract with Inverness Technologies, New Editions provided research support to assess the value of remote counseling services for veterans with service-connected disabilities to help them obtain, maintain, or retain employment, or live independently. New Editions reviewed the existing body of literature on the types of remote counseling techniques currently used in the private and public sectors, and completed a cost-benefit analysis of remote counseling in rural areas. The goal of the study was to determine whether remote counseling enabled by technological solutions (video and audio) will support the timely provision of services and positive outcomes for veterans with service-connected disabilities, in 57 Veteran Affairs Regional Offices.

The purpose of the Sports to Work Research and Development Study was to conduct a thorough analysis of the role sports activities can play in vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs. New Editions, through a subcontract with Inverness Technologies, reviewed the existing body of literature as well as current state-of-the-art sports and recreational programs. We researched and identified up to five successful sports programs that help facilitate return-to-work strategies for individuals with disabilities; collected data through a key interview approach; and provided a detailed analysis and report of these programs.

Through a subcontract with Octo Consulting, New Editions provided Section 508 support to HRConnect and its associated applications. The HRConnect Product Suite is offered as an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) officially designated Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB), Shared Service Center (SSC). OPM’s designation enables the U.S. Department of the Treasury to offer interoperable, portable and scalable HR/payroll solutions across the federal space.

New Editions Trusted Testers worked within established Treasury policies to conduct assessments and determine if HRConnect and its associated applications (HRC, EODS, webTA) are meeting established 508 Compliance policies, and provided guidelines for remediation if they were not.

New Editions provided Section 508 technical support to Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office of the Secretary and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) staff. Our support included Help Desk operations, Section 508 compliance assessments, technical assistance, and document remediation. New Editions staff responded to Section 508 queries related to applicable provisions, acquisition language, accessible application development and process, and VPATs. We provided accessibility compliance audits for IT systems and electronic documents, and recommended best practice remediations for websites and applications. We also conducted formal acceptance testing for conformance to HHS and Federal standards.

New Editions provided Section 508 support to the U.S. Coast Guard web team (CG633) by assessing documents and sites for Section 508 compliance. Information Communication Technology (ICT) products are vital to Coast Guard operations, and the Coast Guard is dependent on the Internet to communicate and distribute critical information. We assessed the Coast Guard's public facing websites for accessibility and assisted with remediation of sites that were not compliant. We also assessed documents for accessibility and provided remediation assistance for non-accessible documents.

New Editions provided Section 508 support to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to develop a remediation strategy that achieved Section 508 compliance. This included assessing the current environment and recommending appropriate tools to help NASS implement compliance auditing and remediation. In addition, we developed processes for continuous monitoring and Section 508 audits in the software development lifecycle. New Editions also provided training for NASS staff members on Section 508 standards and the use of assessment tools.

New Editions provided training and technical assistance on Section 508 and the Secretary’s Section 508 Implementation Policy to designated individuals in the HHS agency and the Office of the Secretary. Section 508 requires procured, developed, maintained or used electronic and information technology (EIT) to be accessible to its employees and customers with disabilities. New Editions staff members worked directly with Section 508 Officials and Coordinators at each agency to ensure their understanding of the legal, technical and policy framework of Section 508 at HHS. We provided quality improvement analyses and reports to ensure that the HHS Chief Information Offices and the HHS' Office on Disability (OD) have comprehensive information on the impact of the Section 508 technical assistance and training programs.

Through a subcontract with Vets, Inc., New Editions provided technical support to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Section 508 Program Office. We tested proposed electronic and information technology (EIT) products for Section 508 conformance within VA's Enterprise Architecture Framework. We also tested IT Tracker products, OMB Exhibit 300's project/programs, E-Government (E-Gov) initiative programs, web-based and software applications, and learning management systems (LMS) courseware for Section 508 compliance. New Editions staff members conducted accessible EIT demonstrations for VA stakeholders (veterans and employees with disabilities), and Section 508 awareness training for VA employees. In collaboration with VA Section 508 staff, we also developed and conducted presentations at industry forums as well as state and local government meetings to raise awareness of accessibility issues and programs.

For the National Council on Disability (NCD), New Editions provided research and meeting planning support services for the National Disability Summit on Disability Policy 2010. This landmark event marked the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and brought together over 400 stakeholders from across the country to provide input for a new policy agenda. In preparation for this meeting, our team of researchers prepared ten working papers identifying significant policy accomplishments, emerging issues and challenges for each topic area. The following lists the paper topics, including a link to each final report:

The policy papers served as the foundation for developing a meeting agenda and were made available to participants prior to their arrival for the summit.

New Editions also provided the full range of meeting planning support, working in collaboration with the NCD planning committee to identify, select and invite participants across a number of demographic characteristics, including age, geographic location, disability, race/ethnicity, and areas of expertise. New Editions meeting planners secured and managed an accessible meeting location and provided all meeting support such as interpreters and other accommodations, audio-visual, programs and handouts.

New Editions supported the ability of states, territories and localities in their efforts to include people with disabilities when planning, delivering and evaluating public health programs. Specifically, New Editions supported an exciting effort by the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) to develop educational resources for public health disability staff, draft models and measures for state-based disability public health programs, assess current and future needs of disability staff, and highlight the current capacity and functioning of public health disability programs.

Our efforts ultimately culminated in the development of a national training program to improve the capacity of state public health staff to more fully address the needs of individuals with disabilities. We hosted a virtual learning center where members of our target audience can easily access and navigate relevant tools and resources to support the effort.

Funded under Medicaid’s Money Follows the Person (MFP) program, the New Editions contract, Housing Capacity Building Initiative for Community Living Project, was announced in June 2010 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sebelius. The Secretary lauded the project’s vision to assist older adults and those with chronic conditions find appropriate housing to live more independent lives. This technical assistance project joined the departments of HHS and Housing and Urban Development (HUD), under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) MFP Rebalancing Demonstration, to assist federal, state and local agencies and community partners create a sustainable, collaborative system between housing and human services agencies - particularly those aimed at helping individuals transitioning from nursing homes and other restrictive settings or at-risk of institutionalization - to live in the community.

New Editions and housing and community long-term services expert subcontractors - Technical Assistance Collaborative, Inc. (TAC), Advocates for Human Potential (AHP) and others - provided:

  • Interviews of key agency personnel to identify knowledge gaps and barriers between housing and human services agencies;
  • Federal and state training activities-based information garnered from the interviews and recognizing unique needs;
  • Regional meetings to promote knowledge sharing, collaboration and partnership development;
  • Pilot activities offering local-level agencies and local community leaders the opportunity to work closely together on a defined project for housing and supportive services; and
  • Dissemination of resources and the promise to continue to foster relationships between housing and human services agencies in the future.

New Editions provided technical and logistical support to a national expert panel; a panel formed to assist the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) Rehabilitation Medicine Department develop a holistic definition of adults with chronic health care needs that can be used in national surveys and clinical settings. New Editions assisted the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Section of the NIH Rehabilitation Medicine Department in an important initiative to provide the field with a new focal point for measurement, surveillance and service: A non-categorical, holistic definition of adults who require ongoing medical, functional or mental health services or supports in order to maximize their well-being and participation.

The expert panel helped develop a formal, population-level definition of adults with chronic health care needs; defined key subgroups; and developed screening questions to include in national surveys and clinical settings. New Editions enlisted the expert panel of scientists; identified and managed relevant research articles; designed and maintained an interactive website for the panel members; convened regularly scheduled teleconferences; and managed one in-person meeting per year.

Through coordination across multiple projects, New Editions worked collaboratively to provide expert technical assistance and guidance to the Administration for Community Living (ACL), their grantees and partners, and other Aging Services Network organizations at the state, sub-state and community levels. Under a subcontract with The Lewin Group, New Editions coordinated relevant ACL activities with the initiatives of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Money Follows the Person (MFP) Technical Assistance Center.

The vast majority of the approximately 10,000 individuals returning to the community from prison each week lack the education and skills required for even entry-level employment. Research from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) indicates a link between academic failure and delinquency, violence and crime. Those reentering the community after incarceration face a system of silos between corrections, education and the workforce system. This contract sought to support reentry education models based on the best available evidence and theory and build on Department work in this area.

The Department awarded demonstration grants to nine community organizations. This contract provided technical assistance to these grantees to increase information sharing and enhance outcomes. New Editions served as a member of the team to provide meeting planning and logistical support as well as disability expertise. We coordinated the meeting logistics to host discussions among the nine grantees that informed technical assistance activities and improved information sharing across the grantees. We also developed and delivered technical assistance to facilitate meeting the needs of individuals with diagnosed and undiagnosed disabilities, offering webinars and web-based resources to ensure identification of individual’s needs and access to appropriate services to promote success.

Enacted by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, the Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration is part of a comprehensive, coordinated strategy to assist states (in collaboration with stakeholders) to make widespread changes to their long-term care support systems. This initiative assists states in their efforts to reduce their reliance on institutional care, all while developing community-based long-term care opportunities, and thereby enabling the elderly and people with disabilities to fully participate within their communities.

New Editions provided technical assistance (TA) to grantees to help them successfully implement their MFP Demonstration Grant. Our team conducted needs assessments with the MFP grantees to identify both individual state and general TA needs. We also developed and conducted training and TA sessions for up to 44 grantees and supporting organizations. TA delivery channels included individual state consultations; teleconferences; web-based video conferences; newsletters; informal peer-to-peer, short-term intensive sessions; and customized knowledge dissemination channels.

New Editions provides technical assistance to state agencies on home and community-based services (HCBS) mechanisms, program design, service delivery systems and self-direction services. Under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), New Editions specifically provides assistance to states seeking to develop or improve HCBS under a variety of channels: Sections 1915(c) and 1115 waivers and Sections 1915(i), 1915(j) or 1915(k) State Plan Amendments. Technical assistance includes:

  • Determining which HCBS authority is most appropriate.
  • Designing an integrated HCBS program such as:
    • Community supports for people with disabilities;
    • Supported employment;
    • Individual budgeting;
    • Person-centered systems;
    • Establishment of a fair and equitable level of need assessment;
    • Positive behavioral supports; and
    • Development of structures to create community integration.
  • Integrating HCBS authorities and managed care.
  • Creating new and improved rate structures or managed care delivery systems.
  • Providing self-direction services and technical assistance such as:
    • Permissible purchases; and
    • Individual budget development strategies and fiscal management services.

New Editions developed functional requirements and built the Disability Equality Index ( survey tool system and website. The Disability Equality Index is a national, transparent benchmarking survey tool that offers Fortune 1000 businesses an opportunity to measure their disability-related policies and practices. The tool allows the USBLN to customize an annual survey, which a participating organization can work through to provide responses and supporting evidence across a wide variety of topics and categories. The system takes input received from participants and provides a score on a range of 0-100 points, providing an objective analysis of how an organization has policies in place to include persons with disabilities as a segment of the organization’s workforce.

The Center of Excellence on Disability Research (CEDR) conducts research to identify and evaluate effective services, supports and models of coordinated care and/or integrated care for persons with disabilities. CEDR is also organizing a national conference in March 2013 to share the results of these studies-along with those of other researchers-and discuss strategies for providing effective services and care models to all people with disabilities.

Under a subcontract with Mathematica Policy Research, New Editions coordinated CEDR’s technical expert panel meetings and a major national conference in 2011. We managed website development and assisted with the dissemination of research findings.

Like all Americans, adults with disabilities seek affordable and effective care that maximizes their well-being and independence. CEDR’s research findings and publications will help consumers, family members, other caregivers, providers and policy makers identify effective strategies for promoting and maintaining the health and quality of life of individuals with disabilities.

New Editions supported the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS’s) Office of Accessible Systems & Technology’s (OAST’s) Trusted Tester Certification program. The purpose of this program is to increase the capability and capacity of the DHS workforce and other federal agencies to support the Federal government’s mission to comply with Section 508. Under this contract, our Senior Section 508 Trusted Testers delivered rigorous, instructor-led courses to Section 508 testers on a formalized website and applications testing methodology, known as the DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Applications. DHS then provides certification to those who pass.

New Editions assisted OAST in the development of this harmonized testing process. We also provided technical and subject matter support to 508 testers for both the instructor-led and the online version of the courses hosted by OAST.