Management of the Federal Vision Exemption Program

New Editions provided operational and management support to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for their Vision Exemption Program (VEP) initiative. The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) provides the legislative umbrella for establishing and operating the VEP, which provides exemptions for interstate drivers meeting the programs’ guidelines. Through this program, drivers are offered the opportunity to fully participate in their careers.

Our team brought expertise to the processing of drivers’ vision exemption applications and renewals. This included responding to application requests and program inquiries; processing new and renewal applications; collecting and storing data; preparing and maintaining Federal Register and other publications; monitoring drivers with exemptions; and preparing standard operation manuals and program reports.

To support these tasks, we operated a robust call center, and developed and maintained a call center application and database. We also implemented a rigorous quality control plan and provided ongoing management oversight.