NIDILRR Draft 2024 – 2028 Long-Range Plan

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Department of Health and Human Services, U.S.A. ACL Administration for Community Living
NIDILRR National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research


NIDILRR Draft 2024 - 2028 Long-Range Plan

The Administration for Community Living’s National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) seeks stakeholder feedback on its draft Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years 2024 – 2028. Mandated by Congress to develop a Long-Range Plan every five years, NIDILRR’s Long-Range Plan provides a five-year agenda that seeks to advance the vital work being done in applied disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research and development.

The themes and priority areas included in NIDILRR’s draft 2024 – 2028 Long-Range Plan were carefully selected after synthesizing the critical feedback that NIDILRR received from its stakeholders. To obtain this feedback, NIDILRR held a series of six virtual listening sessions from August through October 2022 and received written comments via email inbox from August through November 2022.

As NIDILRR aims to continue to be responsive to its key stakeholders – especially people living with disabilities – NIDILRR requests general showstopper feedback on its draft 2024 -2028 Long-Range Plan.

Themes and Priorities of the Draft 2024-2028 Long-Range Plan:

View the NIDILRR’s Draft 2024 – 2028 Long-Range Plan (PDF download).

The draft 2024 – 2028 Long-Range Plan targets the following broad themes:

  • Involvement of People with Disabilities Across the Research Enterprise
  • Intersectional Focus
  • International Amplification and Presence
  • Deepening Capacity Building
  • Innovation

Instructions for Submitting Comments:

NIDILRR requests that comments on the draft 2024-2028 Long-Range Plan focus on general showstopper feedback only, such as providing overarching recommendations, or noting significant inaccuracies. Submissions should not include detailed, line-by-line edits.

NIDILRR is particularly interested in ensuring this document accurately reflects the themes raised by the community.

Comments should be sent on or before October 13, 2023, to for consideration. Please indicate your stakeholder group in the body of your email, as one or more of the following:

  • NIDILRR Grantees
  • Disability Groups and Advocacy Organizations
  • Individuals with Disabilities and Those Supporting Them (e.g., Family Members)
  • Direct Service Providers and Other Researchers (Non-NIDILRR Grantees)
  • Federal Partners
  • Other, please specify

We look forward to your feedback!