
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is dedicated to promoting safe behaviors of older road users to include individuals age 65 and over who are drivers, passengers, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists.  New Editions provides content management and outreach support to NHTSA for the Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety (ChORUS).

Through a subcontract with CENTRA Technology, Inc., New Editions provides Section 508 Subject Matter Expertise (SME) support of the ITA training mission requirement to develop and deliver eLearning that meets customer and stakeholder requirements. We assess eLearning for Section 508 conformance and provide SME and technical assistance as needed.

Through a subcontract with Aveshka, Inc., New Editions provides Section 508 support services to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). We have been contracted to provide Section 508 consulting expertise to assist ASPR in such tasks as:

This quick guide, created by the New Editions Section 508 Team, overviews the essential steps involved in creating accessible Excel documents.

Money Follows the Person (MFP) Technical Assistance (TA) Needs Assessment is a survey that collects data on states' progress and TA needs in implementing the MFP Demonstration.

The Money Follows the Person (MFP) Technical Assistance (TA) Tracker allows MFP-related professionals to track TA requests and outcomes. It allows users to track assigned requests, reassign requests to other users, add comments to requests and more.

The Disability Equality Index brings together the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the nation’s largest disability rights organization, and Disability:IN, the leading nonprofit resource for disability best practices, to collectively advance people with disabilities. The organizations are complimentary and bring unique strengths that make the project relevant and credible to corporate America and the disability community.

The Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) website is designed to assist the ICDR in its goal to promote coordination and cooperation among federal departments and agencies conducting disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research programs. The site contains ICDR activities, disability research news, ICDR reports and general federal disability research resources.

The Money Follows the Person (MFP) Technical Assistance (TA) website promotes promising practices, and provides guidance on program improvement strategies in the areas of system performance and individual consumer outcomes for the MFP Rebalancing Demonstration.

This quick guide, created by the New Editions Section 508 Team, overviews the essential steps involved in creating accessible PDF documents.