Housing and Services Resource Center Management and Partnership Activities for the Administration for Community Living (ACL)

Abstract depiction of various houses of different colors and sizes

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) was created around the fundamental principle that older adults and people of all ages with disabilities should be able to live where they choose, with the people they choose, and with the ability to participate fully in their communities. New Editions provides program management, service coordination and technical assistance (TA) to ACL for the Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC). HSRC’s goal is to foster collaboration and cross-sector partnerships at the state and local levels to streamline access to services, better leverage resources, and ultimately make community living possible for more people.

In support of their goal, New Editions works collaboratively to:

  • Conduct stakeholder group meetings and HSRC Interagency meetings; 
  • Plan, develop and implement the Housing and HRSN Partnership Accelerator Collaborative (Accelerator) to include developing and hosting learning tracks, establishing and monitoring a TA discussion board, and providing individual TA coaching to selected states; 
  • Develop TA products/tools and online resources to help people remain stably housed and transition out of institutions; 
  • Expand TA resources to help people learn about and/or access sources of home modification, repairs, and/or assistive technologies (AT); 
  • Produce issue briefs, fact sheets, and toolkits; 
  • Present at national conferences/meetings; and 
  • Manage and monitor the HSRC site, the HSRC mailbox, webinar agendas and content, meeting minutes and summary reports.