Administration for Community Living

New Editions serves as a subcontractor for the Adult Protective Services (APS) Opioids Pilot Project to WRMA, Inc. The purpose of the two-year (2023-2025) project is to design, pilot, and evaluate a model that state APS systems can implement to more effectively and efficiently serve APS clients impacted by opioid use and substance use disorders (SUDs). As part of the pilot, the project team is providing universal and targeted technical assistance (TA) to participating APS program to guide them in building the foundation and processes for effectively implementing and sustaining the model.

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) was created around the fundamental principle that older adults and people of all ages with disabilities should be able to live where they choose, with the people they choose, and with the ability to participate fully in their communities. New Editions provides program management, service coordination and technical assistance (TA) to ACL for the Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC).

Title VI of the Older Americans Act provides grants to organizations (i.e., Title VI grantees) to support American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians in the areas of nutrition, supportive services for older adults, and caregiver services. The nutrition and supportive services grants include congregate and home-delivered meals, information and referral, transportation, personal care, chores, health promotion and disease prevention, and other supportive services.

New Editions provides subject matter expertise in family caregiving to assist the Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services (OSCS) in launching their family caregiving program with five new grant programs and a multi-faceted technical assistance and coordinating center. These services support the operation of these new Caregiving Projects of National Significance that focus on the goals and priorities of Administration for Community Living's (ACL) 2022 National Strategy to Support Family.

New Editions provided the Office of Performance and Evaluation (OPE) within the Administration for Community Living (ACL) with analysis and technical assistance support. ACL strives to ensure that all people, regardless of age and disability, live with dignity, make their own choices and participate fully in society.

New Editions provided data design and governance, program evaluation, and analytical support to the Office of Performance and Evaluation (OPE) in the Administration for Community Living (ACL). ACL's mission is to maximize the independence, well-being and health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan and their families and caregivers. OPE coordinates a range of data collection and analysis activities and disseminates data through a variety of modalities, including the AGing, Independence, and Disability (AGID) Program Data Portal.

Through coordination across multiple projects, New Editions worked collaboratively to provide expert technical assistance and guidance to the Administration for Community Living (ACL), their grantees and partners, and other Aging Services Network organizations at the state, sub-state and community levels. Under a subcontract with The Lewin Group, New Editions coordinated relevant ACL activities with the initiatives of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Money Follows the Person (MFP) Technical Assistance Center.