Accomplishments 2023: Product Development

Product Development

Product Types

  • Annual performance report
  • Charters
  • Infographics
  • Inventories
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Program reports
  • Report to Congress
  • Toolkits
  • White papers

New Editions understands the importance of developing products using plain language and with an equity lens to ensure products are inclusive, avoid bias and stigmatization, and recognize and reflect the diversity of the community our clients are trying to reach. Similar to past years, New Editions has led all aspects of its product development projects, including background research, content development, layout and design (including branding), editing and proofing, digitalization, and remediation. We have created products for internal use by clients as well as for use by the public, with the type of product (e.g., report, infographic, toolkit) being target to client and stakeholder needs.

  • Developed a series of funding mechanism infographics for the Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). The infographics highlight important information about the scope of each funding mechanism for NIDILRR’s stakeholders, including the programs’ scope, eligibility, available funding, frequency, and how to apply. They also communicate important outputs of each of the programs, such as number of published journal articles. In 2023, the following infographics were finalized: Advanced Rehabilitation Research and Training Program (ARRT), the Field-Initiated Projects Program Rehabilitation Research (FIP), the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR), and the Switzer Research Fellowship Program.
  • Provided support to ACL NIDILRR for developing the NIDILRR 2024-2028 Long-Range Plan (LRP). Mandated by Congress to develop an LRP every five years, NIDILRR’s new LRP provides a five-year agenda that seeks to advance the vital work being done in applied disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research and development. Supporting this work, New Editions drafted sections of the LRP and helped to incorporate feedback from stakeholders, including the public, advocacy organizations, federal partners, and ACL leadership; and hosted a webinar for NIDILRR leadership to share highlights from the draft LRP with stakeholders. In addition, New Editions developed announcements for the release of the LRP for various stakeholder groups.
  • Developed three toolkits on key disability research topics identified in the Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) Government Wide Strategic Plan. The ICDR toolkits provide resources to facilitate federally-funded research and foster interagency collaboration. The toolkits provide resources, examples of best practices, an inventory of current federally-funded research, measurement tools, web resources, and trainings. Additionally, these toolkits identify potential resources for people with disabilities, explore emerging needs, and highlight areas that could benefit from further research and interagency collaboration. This year, we developed toolkits focusing on Participatory Action Research, Disability Data and Statistics, and a Funding Crosswalk that will be published in 2024.
  • Developed NIDILRR’s and ICDR’s FY 2022 Annual Reports to Congress. These documents present significant organizational accomplishments to Congressional leadership, federal partners, and the broader research community.
  • Developed a series of memoranda for SBA focused on equity in procurement: (1) defining equity in federal procurement; (2) understanding inequities in federal contracting; and, (3) identifying practices to promote equity in procurement. Additional products delivered included a two-page consensus definition of equity, and a logic model of equity in federal procurement, and recommendations for the use of appropriate equity-focused terms.