Accomplishments 2023: Website and Software Development

Website and Software Development


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration
  • Administration on Community Living, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research

New Editions uses cutting-edge technology and best practices in accessibility to develop sound, accessible web and software solutions to meet our clients’ diverse needs. Whether the need is for a flexible content management system or custom-built software to support unique business processes, we work closely with clients to define and develop results-driven products. This year, our work again focused on systems development and enhancement, as well as creating website content. We followed user experience, accessibility, IT development and security standards, and best practices to provide our clients with well-designed, sound solutions to best meet their customer’s needs.

  • Managed the successful transfer of the Disability Equality Index (DEI). The DEI is a unique, joint initiative of Disability:IN and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD). It serves as the most comprehensive benchmarking tool for disability inclusion, allowing America’s leading corporations to self-report their disability policies and practices. New Editions provided Disability:IN and AAPD support in transitioning the DEI to a new platform this year.
  • Enhanced the Home and Community-Based Settings (HCBS) Statewide Transition Plan website to help system users to support individuals with disabilities and older adults in having the opportunity to be active participants in their communities. The major enhancement this year was providing a corrective action plan and milestones feature to help states remediate issues with their HCBS transition plans.
  • Continued to operate and manage the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials (NCRTM) website to provide vocational rehabilitation professionals with valuable content to support their efforts to assist individuals with disabilities in acquiring gainful employment. The major enhancement this year was to provide a Disability Innovation Fund (DIF) feature. The purpose of the DIF program is to support innovative activities aimed at improving the outcomes of individuals with disabilities across a variety of areas. The DIF feature provides valuable information about DIF projects, as well as information on innovations identified by DIF grantees.
  • Supporting the development of a new Department of Labor (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) website search feature. New Editions developed system requirements and wireframes to support the development of a new feature that will allow CEO users to search and filter all CEO’s web content. New Editions also has been working to revise and categorize all current web content and will add it into the new search feature in the coming year.